To become a SunDo instructor, you need to fulfill some requirements.

The first 2 levels for instructor are:

A. Instructor Trainee

For Instructor Trainee you can apply when you start your SunDo practice and then follow these steps:
1. Write an essay of 2 pages to explain why you want to become an instructor  – send it by email to Master Kim, at
2. Practice SunDo with regularity – two times a week
3. Pay 200$/year as a distance member of the community. You can pay here:
4. Attend at least one retreat of 3 days in Europe, US or South Korea.



B. Junior Instructor

When you promote to the 3rd level, Yellow Belt, you become a Junior Instructor.

For Junior Instructor the requirements are:

    • Promotion of Level 1 (White Belt 1) – 120 practice session = 160 practice hours
    • Promotion of Level 2 (White Belt 2) – 120 practice session = 160 practice hours
    • 2 retreats of 3 days each

The Junior Instructor receives a Diploma issued by International SunDo Association, established in USA, educational and non-profit organization.

The Junior Instructor will be also proven by  KoukSunDo Federation in South Korea.

The Junior Instructor can open a SunDo practice center, under the supervision of a higher rank instructor.